Saturday, June 1, 2013

Graduation Day at Double Portion Farm

June 1

Today was the big day, lots of pomp and circumstance and 3 very proud graduates made for a fun day at the farm. They completed a 10 month program learning how to use 'farming God's way' principals of sustainable agriculture. They were all so proud to show off their gardens.

The cake was incredible thanks to lots of hard work on the part of Heather. She learned how to bake in the third world and then taught locals how to make this incredible avocado cake. They made the cakes and then she frosted them. Such a special treat! Good cake is hard to come by here.

Tomorrow I am leaving again to spend 4 days in Kaliro, a rural village with the CCU team. We will be totally off the grid, in fact I don't think there even is a grid there. So here goes... Long drops, water from the boar hole down the road and optional bucket showers. Goodbye what remained of my comfort zone.

Choosing to believe that being striped of everything I normally depend on is a good thing. Though still really uncomfortable, it makes me realize how much I normally depend on things or people to feel comfortable/secure. I'm becoming acutely aware of my dependence on God and that he is all I need, but its crazy how it takes being striped of everything to realize it. 'When I am weak, then I am strong', right. I was pretty homesick yesterday for a best friend to be real with and verbally process all of this with. I don't have that here and once I slowed down was really missing it. I just wanted to reach out to the people back home who are safe, love me no matter what and I can share my heart with. I was humbled when Jesus whispered to my heart that he want to be my BFF. He wants to be the one that I run to and come to when I need help making sense of it all. Why do I forget that so easily?

So, Kaliro here I come. Word on the street is that it's peak mango season in the village :). Clinton, you'd better get here soon!

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