Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Some photos from the school & kids house

Kids enjoying the playground.

Learning a new song from the CCU crew before they flew out.

Boda driver got smart and put an umbrella on his... Shade is nice, but doubt he can go very fast.

Kids dinner is posho (cornflower mash) and beans. The spoon looks a bit like a boat paddle.


Morgan's brother Dylan arrived and the kids love him. Sempa Eddie in the pink is a favorite of most. His mom is in the thread of life program and made his sweet outfit out of extra fabric.

Austin with Fred. Fred has HIV and used to live in a rough situation in the slum with very poor sanitation. I remember meeting him years ago at a med clinic we did there and my heart ached for him. So cool to see him in a safe environment, so happy and thriving... He has hope and a future... His mourning has been turned into dancing and he is full of joy.

My family is on their way. Can't wait to see them tomorrow.

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