We've been busy doing all kinds of things. Checked out the thread of life compound. Did a med clinic near the school where Clinton learned to catch and eat termites from the master (Morgan). My parents got to meet the family of Lilian, the girl they sponsor, unfortunately she had malaria and wasn't feeling well that day. But with some prayers and some meds she was feeling much better at school a few days later when we did a little Bradt team teaching. We capitalized on my parents experience and taught about airplanes and space shuttles. I'm not sure if they were more amazed at the pictures or the iPad my mom was showing them on. Clinton taught the kids how to make paper airplanes and had a contest who's when the farthest. Crazy that for two of the classes airplanes flew right over us as we were finishing. We had a random goat wander into the school compound... Oh, and I met this kid who came to the clinic for treatment of worms. He is named Tif after my friend Tiffany Russell, crazy.
I've been cooking some with the ladies and Christine has mastered marinara and is so proud. That's all for now. Everyone is doing well. 2 months is a long time and I've been really ready to go home for a while now, but also enjoying the experience with my family. 4 1/2 days till we fly to the US. Not that I'm counting...
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