Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cool kids!

On a lighter note, here's a sweet story. This family from Denver has been living and working with CLD in Uganda since September. They are gearing up to head back to the US next month and warping things up here. Their kids got rid of a bunch of stuff and had a big yard sale before leaving Denver with the idea that money could be used for a project of their own in Uganda. They decided to let the kids at the school decide what to do with the money. The student council kids met and chose to buy drums so they can have dance parties and have a playground.... Other options on the list included buying an airplane, but the garage sale budget couldn't quite support that. They did buy some really sweet stuff and our kids now will have an amazing playground when they return to school tomorrow. I can't wait to see their faces!

I'll be at the school helping with health checks and vision screening for all the kids as they return for a new term. The CMC Steamboat anthropology class I have been hanging out with (they are amazing, loving them!) just went to the rural village of Kaliro for a few days and then rafting the Nile. I will meet up with them Thursday to travel to western Uganda and Rwanda for a week.

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